
  • Published On: 18 January 2024

    Modern Methods of Construction can alleviate the construction sector’s skills shortage

    Decent and affordable homes are fundamental to our wellbeing. There is widespread recognition that we face a critical housing shortage, with a combination of factors preventing us from deploying the skilled labour needed to replenish and expand our housing stock. What is the source of the problem, and how can we fix it? [...]

  • Published On: 18 December 2023

    Shining a spotlight on some of the most exciting timber frame buildings in the world

    Timber frame can be used on everything from self-build homes to commercial apartments, care homes to 25-storey towers. Hold onto your hats as we take a global tour of some of the most inspiring examples of timber frame construction. Mjøstårnet (Brumunddal, Norway) Even the name of this structure is attention grabbing. Mjøsa is [...]

  • Published On: 30 November 2023

    Merronbrook – here to help you build your dreams!

    We’ve previously discussed how timber-framed housing is growing fast in the UK, but we know that for some builders, whether they are experienced in construction or looking to start a self-build project, there may be some uncertainty around how timber-frame construction can be used to turn a dream home into reality. Whatever your [...]

  • Published On: 7 November 2023

    Why choose timber-frame for your self-build project?

    House prices may be stabilising, but they remain sky-high compared to a few years ago. Self-build, where the individual buys the plot of land and then commissions the house to be built, can save 25% compared to purchase, so many are taking on the challenge. If you are thinking of building your own [...]

  • Published On: 26 September 2023

    Case Study: Timber frame ensures quick, competitive construction in Southampton

    Merronbrook were approached once again recently by a developer we have worked with several times before. Homelife Estates were seeking a competitively priced construction solution, with a short programme of works, with a partner they knew they could trust to deliver. Of course, we were delighted to take on another project with them. [...]